Macro Linz » How to convert a physcial computer to a virtual machineWhat you will need to get started
* Your two laptops (obviously)
* VMWare Workstation (version 5.5 recommended, what I used) - You may download and use a free 30-day trial of Workstation. After the trial ends, if you don’t want to purchase a license, get the free VMWare Player which allows you to use existing VMs but not create new ones.
* An external drive or a networked drive that has enough room for your backup file that both laptops can access (I used a 100GB USB external harddrive)
* Microsoft Windows installation discs or ISOs
* Enough space on your new laptop to host a VM of the old one, or just use the external drive to host the VM
* Some thing else to work on during the hours and hours it takes to do the backup and restore after you get them running