Individually SS made worst result this year and could be worse than 123RF. 123RF on the other hand made the second best result this year. I guess January record will be hard to beat. Others, DT and FT are pretty stagnant. I would call their results average, one month they are slightly above next one a little below their own median. Positive surprise in recent months are results from IS. They actually beat FT and grab 4th place this month. I am talking only about results without third parties which are published later. After adding these results they may be third this month. On positive side we got SXP which finally transferred my images to ThinkStock and started posting earning. I have to wait couple days to see how I am doing there. BS got BME which is so low that it was sufficient for 6th place.
June Jun/May
SS 39.54% 62.34%
123RF 34.62% 248.07%
DT 9.01% 82.56%
IS 8.08% 79.15%
FT 5.17% 98.52%
BS 2.52%
SXP 0.69%
CSP 0.27% 40.00%
CS 0.11% 100.00%
Total 89.04%

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Mariusz Jurgielewicz. Mariusz Jurgielewicz said: June 2010 earnings breakdown: It was bad month overall. I got almost 30% less than in May… http://goo.gl/fb/EHmTk [...]