Tuesday, December 1, 2009

November 2009 earnings breakdown

Overall 2nd best month ever beating previous month. 123RF is back from last month drop. SXP got EL for first time. DT is a huge disappointment after couple promising months. Unexpected sale from YM brought it to top 5. CSP still shows that if sales were more regular it can be good performer. FT is stagnant for last 3 months.

Nov Nov/Oct
SS 45.70% 105.54%
SXP 20.05% 250.00%
123RF 9.40% 173.78%
DT 6.24% 70.84%
YM 6.01% 1484.00%
CSP 4.39% 38.41%
FT 4.34% 98.44%
IS 2.76% 73.10%
BS 0.61% 75.00%
Veer 0.41% 29.41%
CS 0.10% 12.50%


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